There’s a starman waiting in the sky

It’s a sad day for anyone who’s ever felt weird, out of place, not like everyone else. The earth has just become a little less strange, a little less odd, a little less amazing.


I became a fan of David Bowie when I was 9. My mum and step dad were getting married the day he held a concert in my home town, and we were listening to a ‘Best of Bowie’ album on repeat for weeks before it. Somehow the fact that I wasn’t going to the concert didn’t strike me until the day, and really upset me. I understand now why you wouldn’t want a 9-year old to come along, but if my mum had known then that it would be my last chance to see him perform, I hope she would have let me go anyway.

On any questions about where I’d like to go if I could go back in time, it would be to a Bowie concert, without a doubt.


David Bowie is the closest thing I’ve ever had to a God. He will always be my hero. I don’t think Bowie would like to rest in peace – I think he’d like to rest in songs, rest in rhythm, rest in weird sounds, and to not stop moving, or creating, ever. Thank you for being a hero. Thank you for the beautiful album you left as a goodbye, as something new to help us through this.

You’ll always blow our minds.

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