Open letter to 2016

Dear 2016,
You’re here, all of a sudden.

I’m not sure I’m ready for you, and still not sure I’ve made peace with the one that was here before. In some ways I am happy that you are here now, so I won’t have to deal with your predecessor any more. At the same time, it wasn’t too bad, or too good either, so in all honesty, I’m just really not sure.


You’ve got a lot to live up to, and a lot of things you need to sort out. I hope you make me smile as much as the one before did, and I hope you’ll make me laugh so much I can’t breathe. I hope you challenge me, but not too much. I hope you let me grow, inspire me, and excite me. I hope you won’t push me back down every time I can see the top of the mountain, like the one before you did so many times. I hope you let me run beside you rather than fighting to not lose sight of where you’re going. I’m tired of falling behind.

I’m not sure what to expect, but I hope you’ll surprise me. In a good way, of course. I hope you, too, show me things I’ve never seen before, introduce me to people I’ve always wanted to meet, and play music that makes me want to dance my feet off.

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I hope you have that thing the one before you forgot to give me, or hid from me, or thought I wasn’t ready for yet. I know there’ll be something new about you, something new for me and only me. I have no idea what it is, if it’s yet another challenge, a lesson, inspiration, or something else entirely. But there’s something that’s been missing. It’s as if I’m waiting to be shown something, and now you’re here with it.

I hope you’re better than I expect.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you, 2016.

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